
How Do Car Accident Settlements Work?

Written by: Christopher@maydayhoustonlaw.com

Obtaining Compensation After a Car Crash in Houston

When you are injured in a car accident, one of the first questions you may ask is when you will receive compensation. In most cases, damages are paid through a settlement. The settlement is issued by the at-fault driver’s insurance company once a claim is submitted and vetted. In order to get the full and fair settlement that you deserve, you may need to retain an attorney.

At Mayday Law Offices, our goal is to obtain the largest possible settlement for each of our clients. We understand the devastation that an unexpected car accident and injury can have on a person and their family, which is why we fight to secure a recovery that covers all of our client’s losses. 

If you have been injured in an auto accident, contact our office at (281) 741-1162 for a free consultation. Se habla español.

Who Pays My Settlement After a Car Accident?

The majority of car accident claims are settled in negotiations with the insurance company. If liability is clear-cut, the at-fault driver’s policy should cover the damages for an injured party. However, in cases of shared fault (where one or more parties may be responsible for the accident), liability can get complicated. 

Where liability is not straightforward, your damages may be paid by your own insurance company, another responsible party’s insurance company, or out of your own pocket. It is important to discuss your case with an experienced car accident lawyer before accepting a settlement or making a statement with any insurance adjusters. 

How Long Will It Take to Get a Settlement?

There is no set amount of time that it will take to receive a settlement. In some instances, the claim may be resolved within a matter of weeks. In cases of severe injuries or disputed liability, it could take months or up to a year to receive a settlement. 

The car accident claims process generally begins with a call to the at-fault driver’s insurance company. If you are involved in a collision, you should always get the other party’s insurance information, even if you are unsure about liability. The insurance company will conduct an investigation to determine whether their driver or another party was responsible for the accident. 

Within days of the accident, you may be contacted to make a statement about the accident. In general, you should consult with an attorney prior to making a statement regarding the crash. An attorney can also negotiate with the insurance company for a favorable settlement and represent you at trial if a settlement cannot be reached. 

Do I Need an Attorney?

A car accident claim can be a complicated, lengthy process. Without the help of an attorney, you could end up settling your case for less than it is worth. It is strongly recommended that you consult with an attorney as early in the process as possible to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation allowed based on your injuries.

While many car accident claims are settled through the insurance company, it is important to remember that an insurance adjuster may not have your best interests at heart. Often, insurance adjusters will try to downplay your injuries or deny your claim altogether to avoid paying a settlement.

Hiring a Houston Car Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been injured in a Houston car accident, contact our office at (281) 741-1162 for a free consultation. Speak directly to an attorney about your legal options and make an informed decision about how to move forward. Get the compensation you deserve. Call now to get started.

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If you were injured because of someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, you deserve to have an experienced injury lawyer on your side. Reach out to Mayday Law Office today to discuss your legal options in a free consultation.

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