
Tips for Driving Defensively in Houston

Written by: Christopher@maydayhoustonlaw.com

5 Strategies to Help You Avoid Collisions and Stay Safe on the Roads

Houston roadways are notoriously dangerous, plagued with heavy congestion and reckless drivers. Driving defensively is paramount to avoiding collisions and arriving safely at your destination. 

If you are involved in a car accident, it is strongly recommended that you consult with an attorney. At the Mayday Law Office, we demand full compensation for our clients and will not rest until they receive the recovery they deserve. If you are injured in an auto accident, contact our office at (281) 741-1162 to schedule a free consultation.

Follow these 5 defensive driving tips to stay safe on Houston roadways:

1. Avoid Distractions

Distracted driving claims thousands of lives each year. Avoiding distractions while driving can help you stay alert and react to situations or hazards on the road. Giving your undivided attention to your surroundings and the traffic around you can help to save your life and others. 

It isn’t just your cell phone that may be taking your eyes off the road; avoid these other notorious driving distractions:

  • Adjusting the radio
  • Using a GPS device
  • Eating or drinking
  • Doing makeup and hair
  • Talking to passengers
  • Tending to pets or children

Distractions can lead to devastating mistakes on the roadway or prevent you from spotting upcoming problems. Focus on the road and leave distractions at home to help avert car accidents.

2. Allow Room for Passing

It is hard not to be in a rush in Houston. Area highways rival any big city’s during morning and evening commutes. As we previously mentioned, the deadliest stretch of the most dangerous highway is located in the heart of the city. 

Whether you are on I-45, the West Loop, or making your way through local streets, allow other drivers to pass. You can avoid unnecessary fender benders or more serious crashes by giving another driver plenty of room.

3. Do Not Follow Too Closely

Along with allowing ample passing room, remember to never follow too closely. It can be hard in bumper-to-bumper congestion, but by not following too closely, you can save yourself the headache of a rear-end collision. Defensive driving is critical to preventing frustrated drivers and limiting road rage.

4. Drive Safe for Traffic and Road Conditions

Texas weather can change in a heartbeat, but checking the forecast can help you prepare for inclement road conditions. Always drive safely and follow the speed limit. In some instances, traffic conditions may require you to slow down. During the winter months, black ice can prove deadly.

5. Plan Ahead and Leave Early

Rush hour can add a half hour or more to your commute. If your job provides some flexibility, consider adjusting your work schedule. If you are unable to change your hours, plan ahead and leave early. You may also want to use a traffic app to avoid construction and accident delays. In a rush, people make split-second decisions that put everyone on the road in jeopardy. 

Involved in an Accident? Get the Help You Need Now.

If you are involved in a car accident, you might be entitled to compensation for your losses. Contact our office at (281) 741-1162 to discuss your legal options and determine the value of your claim. There are never any fees unless we win; call now to get started.

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If you were injured because of someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, you deserve to have an experienced injury lawyer on your side. Reach out to Mayday Law Office today to discuss your legal options in a free consultation.

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