
Who Is Liable in a Commercial Vehicle Accident?

Written by: Christopher@maydayhoustonlaw.com

Holding a Company Legally Responsible After a Crash

If you are involved in a commercial vehicle accident, one of the first things you may wonder is who can be held liable. As with other accidents, it will depend on what caused the collision or who was at fault. If the driver of the commercial vehicle was responsible for the crash, you might be entitled to compensation from a company policy. 

At the Mayday Law Office, we understand just how difficult it can be after an accident resulting in serious injury or death. Our lawyers are here to help you hold all parties accountable for their wrongdoing. We work tirelessly to maximize your damages so that you receive the largest possible recovery. If you were injured in a commercial vehicle accident, contact our office at (281) 741-1162 to schedule a free consultation. 

Who Can Be Held Liable After a Commercial Vehicle Accident?

After a commercial vehicle accident, one or more parties may be held liable for your injuries. Texas is an at-fault insurance state meaning that an injured party may file a claim for damages against any party that caused the accident. If the at-fault driver was in a commercial vehicle such as a semi-truck then it may be their employer that can be held responsible.

Parties that can be held legally responsible after a commercial vehicle accident:

  • The trucking company (Carrier)
  • The truck driver
  • The truck manufacturer
  • An auto parts manufacturer
  • A mechanic or repair person
  • The company or people who loaded the cargo
  • A government entity

One of the most difficult things in the aftermath of a commercial vehicle accident is not only determining who was at fault but also determining which insurance policy is applicable. An attorney can help to investigate your claim and review all of your legal options.

How Do I Prove Liability in a Commercial Vehicle Accident?

In order to prove that another party was to blame for your accident, you will need evidence showing that they were negligent. With commercial vehicles, there may be types of evidence that are not common in regular auto accidents. For instance, large trucks may have “black boxes.” 

A black box is a computerized system that records information such as the vehicle's speed, when and if brake pressure was applied, and other indicators. Data from the black box may prove critical in a commercial vehicle case.

Many companies that use commercial vehicles are also required to follow strict state and federal guidelines. Their drivers must keep detailed records of the number of hours they drive, when they rest, and how many miles they log. These records or logs can be subpoenaed and used as evidence to prove driver fatigue or a violation of state or federal law.

Injured in a Commercial Vehicle Accident? Contact Our Office.

Were you or a loved one injured in a commercial vehicle accident in Houston, TX? Contact our office at (281) 741-1162 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. We have recovered millions on behalf of our clients and will fight to get you the compensation you deserve.

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If you were injured because of someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, you deserve to have an experienced injury lawyer on your side. Reach out to Mayday Law Office today to discuss your legal options in a free consultation.

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